101 Years of Titanic – Commemorating the Sinking of the “Unsinkable Ship”

- April 15, 2013
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It was called “The Unsinkable Ship”. During its time, the Titanic was the largest and most luxurious liner ever built and it was even regarded as the “safest ship afloat”. This is why it made headlines all over the world when it sank during its maiden voyage.

This disaster changed maritime history forever and is to this day, well ingrained in the people’s consciousness. There have been various books, accounts, television features and documentaries and of course, a number of movie adaptations, including an Academy award-winning movie about the Titanic created by James Cameron. Perhaps what is even more titanic than the ship itself is how this event managed to stay in the annals of history and our cultural consciousness.

Remembering Titanic

Titanic Remembrance Day is held to honor the more than 1,500 people who died during the eventful evening in 1912. The passengers were people from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa.

The British may have ruled the seas, but it was in Belfast, Ireland that the Titanic was made. During the 19th century, the city became an industrial center in Ireland, owing to the boom of the linen industry.

Irish made

During the late 19th century, the shipbuilding industry of the city quickly expanded. In its heyday, the shipyard had some 10,000 men working on the Queen’s Island yard by the River Lagan, occupying an area more than 80 acres wide. Harland & Wolff was established in 1861 and has served as an important gateway to the country.

Sister ship

What many may no longer remember is that the Titanic actually had a sister ship called Olympic. The Olympic was constructed ahead of the titanic and set sail in 1910, two years before its fated counterpart. During World War I, it was converted from a cruise liner into a troop carrier before the ship was retired in 1935. It probably would have met the same fate of the Titanic, had it made it past its maiden voyage.

Changing the way we sail on the sea

Since then, various safety procedures have been adopted. Various American agencies were sent to check out fatal icebergs and establish an ice monitoring system, and today, we have the International Ice Patrol.

The Safety of Life Convention was also held in 1913, which started the regulation of life jackets and radios, as well as implementing various shipping safety standards that are still in use today. For example, it was thanks to this convention that we now have enough lifeboats to accommodate all passengers on a ship. Radios are also manned 24 hours a day and lifeboat drills are regularly held. The speed of ships is also reduced during inclement weather, especially foggy, icy and other dangerous conditions. It also paved the way for the establishment of the International Maritime Organization.

The Titanic affected many people around the world. From this disaster, many positive changes also arose, benefiting countless people around the globe.

    Categories: History