8 Tips for Writing Exceptional College Papers (and other projects) Every Time

- July 23, 2021
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Writing at the college level may very well be one of those daunting tasks a student [doesn’t] look forward to. So imagine having to do it because it’s ‘in partial fulfillment of the requirements. Which leads us to ask this question; what can a college student do to write exceptional papers every time?

Here are 8 tips you can use to write exceptional topic papers, research papers, reports, or any other type of paper or project, every time. 


  1.   Do your research

It was Einstein who said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. That said, you must understand the topic you’re writing about before you begin to work on it.  

Reading broadly and having an open mind to varying angles and opinions helps you to form your own (factual) opinion. When you’ve completed your research it’ll then be time to move to the next step.


  1.   Brainstorm, then prepare a content outline to follow

Writing an exceptional paper requires organized thoughts that flow smoothly and link all your ideas in a clear and cohesive manner. Creating your content outline can be as easy as listing your main ideas in the order you want them to be written.

Doing a physical outline allows you to see connections you can make and write in a more organized and efficient manner. 


  1.   Write your Thesis Statement

It’s now time to do your Thesis Statement. If you’re not sure what this is, we’ll give you a breakdown below. 

Your Thesis Statement gives the reader insight on what to expect in your paper, based on the main ideas you prepared in your content outline. 


An exceptional thesis consists of two parts: 

  •     The Topic Sentence 
  •     The assertions you’re making about the topic at hand 

Of course, there are numerous examples of Thesis Statements out there for you to use as reference when writing your own.


  1.   Work on the body of your paper

The body of your paper is where the main action takes place. This is where all your arguments are made and possible resolutions are found. By now you would’ve guessed that the points made in your content outline would serve as the subtopics/ sections for the body of your paper. 

This section may take you some time, so don’t wait until the deadline is near, to begin putting in the work. Give yourself time to develop your thoughts.


  1.   Write your introduction only after completing the body  

Now, we know the introduction to your paper comes at the beginning; but why are we recommending that it be written after composing the body of your paper?

Well, writing your introduction after completing the body of your paper gives you the opportunity to write a more meaningful and cohesive statement. It allows the reader to capture the intended angle right off the bat.

Additionally, your introduction should spark your reader’s interest immediately and set the scene for keeping them interested for the entire read. 

That said; keep your introduction short and spicy. Make sure your introduction follows the same direction as your thesis statement and the body of your work.


  1.   Finish with your conclusion

You’ve now come to the end of writing the body of your paper, which means it’s now time for your conclusion. 

When composing your conclusion, do a quick recap of what you’ve written, then summarize the main points while reinforcing what was presented in your thesis statement. 

Your conclusion solidifies all the strong points of your work and reminds the reader of the great paper you’ve written.


  1.   Edit and fact-check your completed work

So, now you’ve completed the Thesis Statement, the body, and the conclusion of your paper, which means it’s now time to add the finishing touches. 

Editing your work involves doing thorough spellchecks and looking out for typographical errors. It also involves checking for proper punctuation and subject-verb agreement. 

Don’t forget that you also need to fact-check your work. This is a very important part of the writing process because you must verify the source of the information you have and ensure that it’s from a properly cited and legitimate source.

The flow of your paper should also be observed. Verify that your paragraphs are cohesive, points made relate to each other and your reader can follow and understand without any difficulty.


  1.   Get your work proofread and translated 

As an international college/university student studying in an English-speaking country, it doesn’t mean that your native language is English. This means that getting your work proofread and translated is an excellent decision to make if you’re going to make that paper/ project exceptional.

Here at Day Translations, we offer round-the-clock professional translation services that will help you in completing your papers on time. With the fastest turnaround time in our industry, you can rest assured that your work will be submitted on time and in exceptional quality.

Our team of professionals covers over 100 languages and use humans to assist you in your translation 100% of the time.

So don’t worry, you can leave the translating and proofreading to us. You can trust that the intention and creativity of your paper will be maintained during the course of translation.



We hope these 8 tips will help your writing to become exceptional. We hope the points we gave were cohesive and easy to follow and that you’ll be motivated now more than ever to go out and create exceptional papers and projects without fear, every time. 

To put the icing on the cake, there’s no need to worry about not being a native English speaker when writing your papers because the translation team here at Day Translations is here to help make that paper/ project exceptional no matter the language you speak.