9 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About India

- April 28, 2022
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Occupying the greater part of the South Asian continent, India is the seventh-largest country (by landmass)  in the world. It is also the second most populous country after China. Its currency is the Indian Rupee and the country has a population of approximately 1.38 billion people. Of course, there’s so much more to India than these basic facts and that’s where we come in. Our Day Translations blog is going to share with you 9 fun facts you probably didn’t know about India. So without further ado, let’s dive in.

Top Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About India

There’s No ‘National Language’ for India 

Over 1600 languages are spoken on a daily basis right across India. Of all these languages only 22 of them are officially recognized and with Hindi language and English being the most spoken.

Some of the more notable languages in India are also Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, Santali and Kashmiri. It’s also great to keep in mind that the  Sanskrit language is also part of Indian culture. Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in history and all Hindu books are written in that language.


The Most Vegetarians in the World are Indians

Did you know that India has the lowest meat consumption on record for a country? In fact, approximately 30% of the Indian population is strictly vegetarian while on a large scale, many other people only consume fish. The consumption of land animals is extremely low within the Indian population. Of course, much of these eating practices are in conformity with their religious beliefs.


India is the Country of Spice

Believe it or not, approximately 70% of the world’s spices come from India. Being the largest producer of spices for the world, some of the most popular ones are Turmeric, Chili Powder, Cumin and Saffron.


Indian Food is Very Popular Throughout the World

Indian cuisine is best enjoyed when eaten using your hands. It’s a cultural tradition and most Indians only eat with their fingers at every meal. It’s been a popular topic for debate that the food tastes better when consumed in this manner. That said, Indian cuisine has grown in popularity and as such when you go to many notable countries, Indian Cuisine restaurants can be found easily. The original taste on the other hand may not be consistent.


India’s National Beverage is Tea!

If you didn’t know this, then now you know. Indians absolutely love tea. Tea is a staple within Indian society and is served in households right throughout the day at every meal.

India is also the world’s second-largest producer of tea after China. Can we safely say that tea is the beverage that brings Indians together? We probably can.


There are 6 Seasons on the Hindu Calendar 

The Gregorian Calendar that we use here in the Western Hemisphere sees us experiencing only 4 seasons and is different from the Hindu Calendar that is widely used by the Indian population.


The Hindu Calendar has 6 seasons and they are as follows:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Monsoon
  • Autumn
  • Pre Winter
  • Winter


The World’s Tallest Statue and Largest Sundial are in India

The world’s largest sundial is 90 feet tall. It can be found in the town of Jaipur and is made exclusively from polished stone. The sundial is actually a World Heritage Site and attracts thousands of visitors on a yearly basis.

In addition to being home to the world’s largest sundial, India is also home to the world’s tallest statue. The Statue of Unity stands tall at 600ft and is located in India’s western state of Gujarat.

This great monument was made as a tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai, the independence leader. The statue is erected in the state where Sardar was born and is made of bronze. It is believed that the Statue of Unity weighs around 67,000 tonnes.


Shampoo Originates from India 

A staple within any home, shampoo is a Hindi/ Sanskrit word that means ‘to massage’. The original word is ‘Champu’ and was a mixture of herbs and water.


There are Many Mosques and Temples

When you think of India, more than likely you aren’t thinking about the architecture that exists there. With this in mind, it’s great to know that India is home to more than 300,000 mosques and well over 2 million Hindu temples. Don’t get us started on the beautiful designs of these buildings. They are indeed a pleasure to look at.


That’s a Wrap!

We know we couldn’t have possibly given you all the fun facts, but we know that the few we’ve shared are great and interesting and have probably left you learning something new.

If you’re planning on visiting India for your next trip, don’t forget that Day Translations is here for all your translation and interpreting needs. All you have to do is visit our website to get started.

    Categories: Culture