The Importance and Benefits of Studying the Urdu Language Now

The Urdu language is an Indo-Aryan language that is spoken by over 100 million people, which makes it another important…

Day Translations

Exit of Britain from the EU Can Create New Form of English

Brexit is an on and off topic in the news as the final day when Britain leaves the European Union…

Bernadine Racoma

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

The United Nations observes another international awareness observance – the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. The…

Day Translations

Fever Pitch Excitement for Another Royal Wedding

The eyes and ears of many people around the world would be glued to their TV sets, radios, cellphones, tablets,…

Bernadine Racoma

The Guaraní Language of Paraguay is Making Comeback

The South American country of Paraguay has two official languages, Spanish and Guaraní. The country is home to about 6.7…

Day Translations

May 17 is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is observed today, May 17. The objective of the celebration is to raise…

Bernadine Racoma

Kazakhstan Changes its Alphabet Once Again

Preparing for globalization and modernization, Kazakhstan changes its alphabet, which is the second time within a span of several months.…

Day Translations

How Can You Stand Out in the Translation Industry?

The translation industry is highly competitive. The number of translation companies is lesser than the demand for professional document translation…

Day Translations

The Challenges and Benefits of Having Multicultural Team

Having a multicultural team can help a company grow internationally, but it might come with some challenges. Overcoming these challenges…


Why Cantonese is Still an Important Chinese Language to Learn

When you speak of the Chinese language, it is very common to think only of two – Mandarin and Cantonese.…

Sean Patrick Hopwood

Subject Matter Experts: Use them for Accurate Translations

In any translation project, whether it's large or small, consistency is important, but for specific translation work, subject matter experts…

Day Translations

Europe Day:  Discovering the Language Diversity in Europe

Europe is the origin of some of the greatest civilizations and cultures of the world. It is diverse culturally and…

Bernadine Racoma