World Health Day 2018: Universal Health Coverage

April 7, 2018 is a special day. It is World Health Day and the 70th anniversary of the World Health…

Day Translations

Tips on How to Effectively Improve Your Pronunciation

Improving pronunciation is one of the issues native and non-native English speakers typically face. It is an important facet to…

Day Translations

Importance of Translation to Small Businesses

If you're looking for a more extensive article regarding translation services, check out our Main Translation Guide! Many small business…

Day Translations

Unraveling the Origin of April Fool’s Day

The first day of April is a great day for pranksters and jokesters, as this is the day that they…

Bernadine Racoma

Top Spring Vacation Destinations: Where are You Headed to?

Taking a spring vacation is something a person should do, in order to recharge, relax and prepare the mind and…

Bernadine Racoma

The History and Symbols of Easter at Glance

When Easter comes, it is usually a sign that spring is here. Easter is celebrated either in March or April.…

Day Translations

Jedek: A Newly Documented Language in Kelantan

The Swedish linguistic team from Sweden's Lund University that studied the Jahai language that is spoken by a small community…

Day Translations

Asian Body Language: Mind Your Hands

When the weather gets cooler in western countries, people search for warmer places with plenty of activities and sights to…

Bernadine Racoma

Various Standards Governing Translation for Medical Devices

The translation for medical devices is big business. In the EU, the medical device business is worth 95 billion euros…

Day Translations

How to Make Russian Language Learning Easier

There are two school of thoughts here. One says that the Russian language is easy to learn. The other says…

Bernadine Racoma

The Many Benefits of Learning Italian Language and Culture

Italy is a consistent trade partner of the United States and thousands of companies in the U.S. do business with…

Day Translations

Jahai Speakers Have Specific Names for Smells

English speakers usually have specific terms to use for a variety of things. For example, speakers of English can easily…

Day Translations