Why Do You Actually Need to Learn Mandarin Chinese?

Based on the latest report of Focus Economics, China's economy continues to rise. Domestic and international demand for its products…

Bernadine Racoma

Importance of Localization Terminology Management to LSPs

Translation work varies and often, specific terms only occur once or twice in a document. But when it comes to…

Day Translations

The World Bids Farewell to Prof. Stephen Hawking

Cambridge University Professor Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA died peacefully in his sleep on March 14, 2018 at…

Day Translations

Same Words = Different Languages = Different Meanings

Globally, English is one of the most spoken and popular languages. Many English speakers believe that other cultures will understand…

Day Translations

European and Brazilian Portuguese: What’s the Difference?

Portuguese or European Portuguese is the official language in Portugal. It is one of the countries in Europe that explored…

Day Translations

How Well Do You Know the German Language?

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? The above question is the formal way of asking, "Do you speak German?" When it is fine…

Day Translations

International Women’s Day: Focus on Famous Female Linguists

 To all the Women in the World Happy International Women’s Day! #PressforProgress Today, March 8 is International Women's Day. This…

Day Translations

What is CE Marking and What are its Effects on Translation?

It may look innocuous but a CE marking is very important for distributors, importers and manufacturers trading on European markets.…

Bernadine Racoma

Czechia: Why Did They Change Their Name?

Once there was Czechoslovakia, a Central European sovereign state that was formed in 1918. It belonged to the Soviet bloc…

Day Translations

Take Peek at the Evolution of French as a World Language

The French language has come a long way. What was relevant a few hundred years ago was replaced by modern…

Day Translations

Healthcare Best Practices: Medical Translation Services

Translation for the healthcare industry is critical in whatever type of setting. The United States is linguistically diverse and a…

Day Translations

The Māori Language and the People of New Zealand

Te Reo or the language is how the indigenous people (tangata whenua) of New Zealand call their language, which the…

Bernadine Racoma