Unique and Effective Ways to Improve Your Spanish

Spanish is a wonderful language, and it’s not as hard to learn as you might think. In the US, it’s…

Day Translations

How To Boost Your Foreign Language Speaking Skills Through Writing

As any other translator, you probably want to know as many languages as possible and boost your language speaking skills.…

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Here’s Why Learning Language Has Never Been Easier

Learning a language is usually considered a difficult task. You have to memorize a ton of foreign vocabulary, understand complex…

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How to Master App Store Optimization When Localizing Your App

App Store Optimization (ASO for short) often goes overlooked. In the clamor to join the millions of apps already out…

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A Closer Look at the Proposed Merit-Based Immigration System

U.S. President Trump always expressed his intention to curb immigration during his presidential campaign, and started with the institution of the…

Bernadine Racoma

Translating Sound Effects: Cross-Linguistic Onomatopoeias

The longest palindrome in the Oxford English Dictionary is tattarrattat. It’s a word invented by James Joyce to describe a…

Day Translations

The Challenges of Translation in Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is enjoying a revival. Its popularity is resurging not only in China, South Korea and Japan, but in…

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Important Time Management Tips for Every Successful Translator

Have you ever felt like your translating capacity was based on pure luck? There are some days when things go…

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Breaking it Down: The Cost of Localization

With businesses going global, their success depends on how they are able to cater to their international consumers. Scrap the…

Bernadine Racoma

Changing The World: The Most Important Immigrants in History

America is a nation of immigrants. We owe much of our country's development to immigrants in history, and our culture…

Day Translations

5 Steps to Master Writing in Foreign Language

So you added yet another foreign language tn the list of goals you want to reach? That’s great! You probably…

Day Translations

The Best and Worst of Movie Title Translations

Movie title translations come in all shapes, sizes and writing systems. And they work... sometimes. Before Annie Hall was finished,…

Day Translations