How Professional Voice-Over Services Can Make Or Break Your Movie

How many times have you seen a movie so awkwardly dubbed you laughed yourself to tears? B-movies that didn’t use…

Day Translations

Language Barriers and The Role of Language in Medical Fields

The nature of work in the healthcare industry is such that there is no room for delays. 30 seconds are…

Day Translations

How Learning Language Can Make You Happier

You already know that learning a language is good for your resume, social skills and college application. But, did you…

Day Translations

What the Travel Ban Means for U.S. Visa Applicants

On June 29, 8 PM EST, President Trump's new visa criteria for the long-touted travel ban came into effect. The…

Bernadine Racoma

Spotlight: What Do Translators And Interpreters Do?

You know by now that translators and interpreters are pretty good with languages. But did you ever stop to ask…

Day Translations

Harry Potter in Translation: From Serpentard to Rumpledunk

It’s been 20 years since the first Harry Potter novel came out in 1997. Since then, the boy who lived…

Day Translations

What Are The Most Important Languages of The 21st Century?

It's hard to imagine a young person nowadays who doesn’t speak or study at least one language besides their mother…

Day Translations

Freelancers Listen Up! Top Tips For Staying Productive

It’s Friday, it’s summer, and you probably don’t feel like working today. Especially when the weekend beckons and it’s 100…

Day Translations

Subtitlers Are The Unsung Heroes of Filmmaking

Being a subtitler is a strange part of the filmmaking process and subtitlers are, without doubt, the unsung heroes of…

Day Translations

What is Legal Translation and What Makes it Different?

Legal translation, like any other type of translation work, is the replacement of the source language with the target language.…

Bernadine Racoma

20 Tips to Record Professional Voice Overs

Voice overs require more than just getting a microphone and talking. They are about transmitting a message and making the listener…

Day Translations

4 Common Mistakes Translators Should Avoid

Translation is one of the most complex jobs, and it’s usually underrated. Translator mistakes are easy to make. It isn’t…

Day Translations