5 Website Elements to Localize for an Easy User Experience

Localizing your website delivers a whole range of benefits for your business. Companies that localize their digital properties boost their user base and…

Day Translations

7 Tips to Choosing an Immigration Lawyer

The US immigration process can be highly taxing and difficult. When you are navigating through the thorny process, you will…

Day Translations

Doing Business Abroad? How to Overcome the Language Barrier

If you are a company looking to do business in a foreign market, finding a reliable agency to translate your…

Day Translations

How to Learn Slavic Languages when English Is Your Native

Slavic languages are beautiful. They sound melodic and soft, so it often seems as if these people are generous and…

Day Translations

7 Important Skills Every Translator Should Have

Being a translator isn’t just about how many qualifications you have or words you know in two, three, (or more)…

Day Translations

Studies Indicate That It’s Smarter to Use Medical Interpreters in Hospitals

Language barriers blocking the proper in-person communication of medical treatment and diagnoses at a U.S. hospital or clinic are a…

Day Translations

How to Localize Your Website the Right Way

If you’re sitting down to design your website, and you’re thinking about appealing to international clients, then you’ll need to…

Day Translations

The Rich History Behind The Thanksgiving Celebration

The first Thanksgiving that took place in what is now the United States was organized by the pilgrims of Plymouth…

Day Translations

The Potential and Benefits of Language Localization in India

India's great diversity in languages has made it difficult for multinational businesses to penetrate the market. For a long time,…

Day Translations

6 Tips to Doing Business in the Middle East

Westerners considering doing business with people of the Middle East and North African (MENA) markets would do well to learn…

Day Translations

The Difficulties of Legal Translations Explained

Translating consists of a lot more than simply taking a text written in a language and converting the text to…

Day Translations

Multilingual Melania Trump is the New First Lady of the United States

In what seemed to be a sure-fire victory for the Democrats, Republican candidate Donald Trump made history by emerging as…

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