European Migration Crisis: Helping Children Cope with Language Barrier

For ordinary immigrants, dealing with the language barrier problem is not easy. Communicating with people who speak a different language…

Day Translations

Translation and Localization: What’s the Difference Between the Two?

In broad terms, translation is to communicate the meaning of text written in a language (source language) into equivalent text…

Day Translations

Arabic Language: Tracing its Roots, Development and Varied Dialects

Arabic, according to the latest statistics, is the 5th most spoken language in the world. There are 60 countries where…

Bernadine Racoma

Always go to Lunch Break, it’s Favorable to Your Health and Productivity

A couple of days ago, I saw a question in one of my Facebook groups, that quickly caught my attention.…

Day Translations

Misdiagnoses and Deaths: Why Medical Translations Must be Done by Professionals

You may not believe it but it's a fact that medical translations or interpretation done incorrectly, has the ability to…

Day Translations

5 Types of Sites that Greatly Benefit from Content Localization

There are sites that serve their purpose better when they have localized versions. They tend to reach more audiences with…

Day Translations

How to Rethink Your Tasks and Be More Productive

As a busy professional, one of your daily struggles is probably to get the best out of your time. Being…

Day Translations

5 Tips for Modern Moms to Balance Family and Work

Modern mothers today usually perform juggling acts just to balance family and work. They should be lauded for this simple…

Day Translations

Learn to Set Priorities By Using These 5 Tips and Get Things Actually DONE!

"Setting priorities" is a skill that helps you advance in any career. When you master it, you can easily reach…

Day Translations

4 Reasons to Learn American Sign Language (ASL) to Advance in Any Career

American Sign Language or ASL is now one of the most studied modern or foreign languages in different colleges and…

Bernadine Racoma

How Translations Can Improve Your SEO

In our globalized world, it’d be easy to just say and write everything in English; The “so-called” universal language. Every…

Day Translations

Pros and Cons of Working at Large Law Firm

Working with lawyers and clients 5 days a week is (already) a huge challenge, yet, when compared to working for…

Day Translations