Last Minute Efforts to Preserve Dying Languages: Will they suffice?

Thousands of languages all over the world are classified as endangered or almost extinct. They are in fact dying at…

Bernadine Racoma

Hot, Hot, Hot. Swing to the Beat of Lindy Hop

Like fashion, some designs stand the test of time. In case of dances, there are those that become a fad…

Bernadine Racoma

Communication Challenges of People with Hearing Disabilities and How to Help Them

Deafness is a disability that is misinterpreted in several ways. In fact, there are certain remedies that could have been…

Bernadine Racoma

Cinco de Mayo: Commemorating Battle Deemed Impossible to Win

In Mexico and some parts of the USA, Cinco de Mayo is such a big deal. The term literally means…

Day Translations

Tips in Successfully Organizing an International Event

There are a lot of reasons why people of different cultural backgrounds and upbringing are gathered in one place for an…

Bernadine Racoma

Thai and Lao Languages: The same yet different

Thai and Lao languages are basically the same. When Thais and Laotian talk to each other, they can make conversations…

Bernadine Racoma

Twitter Posts at times Spark Controversy and Misunderstanding

We have already seen a lot of people who have been under public scrutiny and criticism simply because they posted…

Bernadine Racoma

Walpurgisnacht: Celebrating the Night of Witches in Europe

In certain parts of Europe, the Halloween season comes earlier than most other countries. This is because they celebrate “Walpurgisnacht”…

Bernadine Racoma

The Challenge of Building Real Human Relationships in These Modern Times

Many people believe that social media bring people closer. This technology makes communication just one button away. As long as…

Bernadine Racoma

Common Social Media Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Social media allow people to connect with each other, as well as share information and updates. Aside from regular users,…

Bernadine Racoma

How Medical Interpreter Can Save a Patient’s Life and Make a Lot of Difference

In today’s borderless world, migration has become a lot more common. Though it brings a lot of advantages, it also…

Bernadine Racoma

The Truth About Spring Fever: Is it for real?

It is springtime once again. This is the time of the year when we feel the lingering sunshine hitting our…

Bernadine Racoma