Ensuring Safe Travel Through Modern Air-Ground Communication

The communication between the pilot and air traffic controllers is very important. Traffic controllers provide pilots with signals if it…

Bernadine Racoma

How to Help in Your Infant’s Speech Development

The rates in which infants learn to speak differ from one to another. There are those who learn more words…

Bernadine Racoma

Addressing Cultural Differences in Teaching Multicultural Class

Teaching a multicultural class is such a daunting task. You need to be more understanding and patient especially since conflicts…

Bernadine Racoma

Choosing an Official Language in Timor Leste

The issue of the official language used in Timor Leste (East Timor) is a hotly contested issue even until today.…

Bernadine Racoma

Using Debate as Strategy in Teaching Non-native English Language Speakers

For non-native speakers learning the English language, the most important lesson that the teacher should impart is confidence. It is…

Bernadine Racoma

Politeness in Thai and Filipino Cultures

In many ways, Thailand and the Philippines are similar when it comes to how they value the culture of being…

Bernadine Racoma

The Benefits Students Can Get from Speech Laboratories

There are several components necessary to master a language. It is not just about being able to read and understand…

Bernadine Racoma

5 Easy Steps to Follow in Organizing Leadership Training

Being a good leader is not just about leading the people, but also about training potential leaders to take over…

Bernadine Racoma

Why Not Everyone Agrees on Celebrating Washington’s Day on 3rd Mondays of February

The 3rd Monday of February is a federal holiday to mark George Washington’s birthday. This day is celebrated in honor…

Bernadine Racoma

Communicating with Plants – Is it at all possible?

The idea of talking to plants might be deemed crazy and nonsense for many people. Plants don’t have brains and…

Bernadine Racoma

Efforts Taken in Preserving Endangered Languages

There are a lot of languages that are on the verge of extinction. Thus, serious efforts toward preserving endangered languages…

Bernadine Racoma

Silbo Gomero: The Whistled Language

The Silbo Gomero language has a unique quality that is not present in all other languages. Languages are usually spoken…

Bernadine Racoma