Stonehenge: Mystery of Lifetime

From a distance, they look like ordinary stones standing next to each other on the ground, forming a ring. But…

Bernadine Racoma

Effective Tips in Winning Impromptu Speaking Competitions

Mark Twain once said that it took him 3 weeks to prepare for an impromptu speech. Obviously, he was just…

Bernadine Racoma

A Modern Approach to Teaching English in an International Setting

There is an increase in the number of English language learners around the world these days. English, being an international…

Bernadine Racoma

Extinction of Languages: A Sad Reality the World Faces

For a language to be considered extinct, it means that it is no longer spoken in everyday communications. It is…

Bernadine Racoma

Translation of Literary Works – The Challenge of Translating Poetry

Poems are virtuous pieces of literary writing. They express emotions, create sensitive imagery and strike the most essential human emotions.…

Day Translations

William Shakespeare: His Influence in the English Language

There is no doubt that William Shakespeare had a great influence not only in theater and films and other poets…

Bernadine Racoma

The Art of Writing for Translation: 8 Useful Tips to Remember

Contrary to common belief, translation is not an easy thing to do. It is not a matter of changing the…

Bernadine Racoma

Basque: A Language Isolate

Basque, one of the oldest languages in the world, is one of the most difficult languages to learn as it…

Bernadine Racoma

How Difficult is it to Proofread Your Own Work?

Proofreading is the process of examining written text carefully to spot and rectify typographical errors as well as correct spelling,…

Bernadine Racoma

Etiquette Rules That Translators Should Follow

Translators, whether they are part of a translation agency staff or they work by themselves, need to stick to basic…

Day Translations

A Smile: Connecting the World Through Universal Language

It is said that a smile is contagious. When you see someone smiling, your natural response is to smile back.…

Bernadine Racoma

What Men Need to Know about Communicating with Women

That men and women communicate differently is a widely accepted idea. There are notable differences in the way males and…

Bernadine Racoma