Oxford Dictionaries Online Now Features Words from Daily Usage

Not every word gets to progress from the streets to a dictionary database. Sixty-five words made it to the Oxford…

Bernadine Racoma

Myanmar Opens its Doors to the Outside World

President Thein Sein of Myanmar announced in the second quarter of 2013 that his country was implementing reforms with the…

Bernadine Racoma

The Beautiful Sing-Song Sound of the Thai Language

When you visit Thailand you will be amazed by its natural beauty as well as the beauty of its national…

Bernadine Racoma

Dissecting the Five Languages of Love

Children learn the language spoken by their parents, what’s usually called cradle language. We learn our mother tongue seemingly without…

Bernadine Racoma

The Newest UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Asia

This year the World Heritage Committee named 19 new World Heritage Sites from around the world. The continent of Asia…

Bernadine Racoma

Multilingualism in Australia: Pluses and Minuses

Being multilingual is generally thought of as an avenue for personal and professional growth as well as better job opportunities.…

Bernadine Racoma

Tamil: A Surviving Dravidian Language

The Tamil language belongs to the Dravidian language family and is one of the world’s longest surviving classical languages. The…

Bernadine Racoma

Happy 67th Independence Day, India!

“Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge...…

Bernadine Racoma

The Quest to Make Spanish an Official Language of the United States

There are reports that say the number of non-English speakers is increasing in the United States. As a matter of…

Day Translations

Technology May Encourage Shortening of Words but Meanings Remain Intact

For some reason mobile technology encourages people who use it to shorten the words. There are claims that technology is…

Day Translations

Language Trends in the Corporate Sector

There is a growing belief that the boundaries that used to define how and where business activities are done are…

Bernadine Racoma

New Additions to the UNESCO World Heritage List: Cultural and Natural Treasures of Africa

This year, the UNESCO World Heritage List includes 19 new sites around the world with “outstanding universal value” to the…

Bernadine Racoma