How Many Languages Does the Average Swede Speak?

Our language journey today carries us to a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe, Sweden. Sweden has a population of 10.35…

Kayan Milwood

Holi Festival Celebrations – India

Early March on the Gregorian calendar is the Hindu month of ‘Phalguna’. During this time the Holi Festival of Colors…

Kayan Milwood

Religious Translations and How Does it Work

Requiring extensive accuracy, expertise, and deep knowledge on religion, religious translations and Hebrew bible translation is a highly specialized field…

Seldean Smith

The Top 3 Benefits of Audio Localization

The best way to get people in foreign countries to use your products or services is by localizing the audio…

Myles O'Bery

Las Fallas de Valencia, Spain

There’s an interesting story behind the flame filled festivals of Las Fallas. Our Day Translations blog can’t wait to ignite…

Kayan Milwood

How You Can Use Virtual Assistants To Build Your Business From All Over The Globe

Hire to grow your business or keep growing your business to hire later. This is a common debate among business…

Alejandra Fonseca

New Languages We’ve Come to Love from Books and Movies

Have you ever wondered where all these ‘strange’ languages come from that you read in books and hear in movies?…

Kayan Milwood

How the Field of Digital Humanities is Gaining More Followers

Digital humanities as a form of information science and scholarly communication seem to speak for themselves. In essence, the digital…

Seldean Smith

How Does Fashion Week Benefit From Localization?

Fashion Weeks are exciting events that draw attention from all corners of the globe. So if your brand is only…

Myles O'Bery

Biotech: Why We Should Look to China

Biotechnology, in the simplest explanation, is technology based on biology. It harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to aid in developing…

Seldean Smith

4 Ways We Can Support Endangered Languages

Did you know that over 7,000 languages are spoken around the world? And, roughly 40% of these languages are on…

Myles O'Bery

5 Benefits of Localizing your Fashion Website

There are some amazing benefits that come with localizing your website, many of which are linked to giving you the…

Kayan Milwood