7 Benefits of Video Game Localization

Let me ask you a serious question… and yes, it pertains to video game localization. How often do you play…

Myles O'Bery

How to Work as Chinese Teacher in the US

So, your dream is to become a Chinese teacher in the US? In order to teach Chinese in public schools…

Seldean Smith

Tools and Skills for Localization: What Companies Should Have

Did you know that there are many available tools and skills for localization? Localization is the process through which companies…

Myles O'Bery

World Culture: Diwali – The Festival of Lights, India

It’s always a pleasure when our readers come with us as we travel and explore the different cultural festivals across…

Kayan Milwood

Beautiful Korean Words without English Equivalents

They say that our eyes are the windows to our soul. And in the same sense, language is like the…

Seldean Smith

Weirdest Words from Around the World

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of languages. If you're keen on learning some cool-sounding, strange, funny, silly, and…

Seldean Smith

What is Business Language and How We Can Help

Is Business Language a thing? The answer to this question is yes. A quick Google search reveals that, in business,…

Kayan Milwood

28th of October: Tbilisoba Celebrations – Georgia

We’re on the road again here at Day Translations, and this time we’ve landed in a part of the world…

Kayan Milwood

All About the Chinese Chop (YìnJian)

The Chinese chop - called YìnJian – is the equivalent of a stamp and is used in lieu of signatures…

Seldean Smith

Understanding Different Learning Styles – Why They Matter in the Workplace

While you might be someone that learns best by reading as much as possible about a specific topic, your coworker…

Seldean Smith

Does the Beauty Industry speak Universal Language?

It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. That said, how do you view beauty and…

Kayan Milwood

Language Access Rights of Interpreters and Translators Working in the USA

Did you know that fundamental language access rights (Title VI of the civil rights act) don't only apply to U.S…

Seldean Smith