Wednesday Travels: Eating Our Way Through the World – Italy Edition

Have you ever heard of the term “bucket list”? A bucket list is a checklist of activities, travels, goals, and…

Milos Milosevic

Dubai’s Road To Becoming The Middle East’s Business Hub

If you were to log into Google or the search engine of your preference and write the word Dubai, it…

Day Translations

The Importance of Creating an Accessible Website (and how to do so)

Accessibility is a big deal, so much so that lawsuits surrounding accessibility for disabled internet users have soared through the…

Seldean Smith

Myths About Translation Services

Many people have misconceptions about the ins and outs of the translation services industry, and the majority of myths about…

Seldean Smith

How to Become Dubbing / Voice Over Specialist

Dubbing is an essential part of filmmaking and advertising. This is the part of the filming process where a voice…

Myles O'Bery

Wednesday Travel: Eating Our Way Through the World UK Edition

If there was ever a discussion on countries around the world that have helped shape who we have become as…

Day Translations

8 Best Content Marketing Tools for Multilingual Campaigns

There are numerous content marketing tools available online. But how many of them support multiple languages? The world has become a…

Ronita Mohan

Rapa Nui – the Native Language of the Easter Island

The remote Easter Island, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, belongs to Chile and is part of Polynesia. But…

Day Translations

UK vs. US English: What’s the Difference?

The United Kingdom and the United States of America might share English as their official language, but when you hear…

Seldean Smith

Cultural Competence: Working in Multicultural Company

As the workforce continues to diversify and the drive for business globalization continues, cultural competence is arguably one of the…

Seldean Smith

How AVT Can Benefit Your Brand

As the world of online marketing becomes saturated, one of the most important things a brand can do to stand…

Seldean Smith

How to Date Someone From Different Culture (With Tips From Real Couples)

Dating someone from a different culture can be a bit challenging. From clashing beliefs, to different traditions, these little things…

Day Translations