Multilingual Blog Strategy: How to Write Global Blog

A valuable, engaging and multichannel online presence is vital to scale a company internationally. It even makes it possible to…


Top 10 Countries With the Best Healthcare Systems

For years, the debate around which system of coverage is optimal has been carried out in the political arena of…

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Localization Strategy 101: How to Take the First Steps

This article is part of our Localization Guide – check it out to access all the resources we have designed…

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What is Global UX Design?

Your website is a crucial asset for all departments across your company. Maybe it includes an e-shop, making sales possible…


Global Marketing 101: Your Complete Online Expansion Strategy

International expansion forces us to reimagine most areas of our business. Our marketing is one of them. As our business…


How to Become HIPAA Compliant: Your One True Guide

The HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a US law crafted to ensure the protection of patient data. …


Product Localization: All You Need to Know

Nowadays, we count on unprecedented technology to facilitate international communication and exchange. Web 3.0 makes it easier than ever for…


How to Boost Multilingual Websites with International Linkbuilding

Are you launching a multilingual website?  How do you plan to face the challenges of attaining a good position in…


Canadian French vs French from France

Languages spoken by different communities across regions aren’t spoken the same everywhere. And some dialects might be so different from…


Chinese Consumer Behavior: An Analysis

The People’s Republic of China is arguably one of the most promising markets on earth. The fourth-largest country in the…


5 Ways in Which Ethnicity Affects Health

Does where we come from affect our proneness to certain diseases? After all, if our ethnicity can be seen through…

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How to Get Dual Citizenship | Your Ultimate Guide

The anarchist dream is over. We are all citizens of at least one state. When digging into the regulations around…

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