How Translation Services Can Make Your Event Successful

Even before the pandemic hit, events were a big part of most organizations' cultures. That was back when we could…

Myles O'Bery

What is BPO?

If you’re not familiar with the term BPO (business process outsourcing), you’re not alone. In fact, many people are somewhat…

Seldean Smith

The Future of Localization Services

Localization is at the forefront of digital transformation and international growth for brands. The shift to a digital-first world sees…

Seldean Smith

Endangered Languages at Risk of Going Extinct

Even though there are more than 7,000 living languages in the world, UNESCO predicts that more than half of them…

Seldean Smith

The Importance of Translating Training Materials

As you might well know, the performance levels of thoroughly trained staff are significantly higher than those who receive little…

Seldean Smith

What is the difference between Translation & Transcreation?

The globalization of the world and the rapid growth in cross-border trade has made it imperative for organizations and professionals…

Myles O'Bery

How to Say ‘I’m Sorry’ in 10 Different Languages

No matter what language you say it in, Elton John couldn't be more accurate with his song "Sorry Seems to…

Seldean Smith

Skills All Medical Translators Need

Medical translation is one of the most important services in the translation industry. The reason for this is that medical…

Myles O'Bery

How Does Voice-Over Work in Movies?

Imagine gazing out over the golden plains of the African bushveld, feeling mesmerized by the breathtaking landscapes, when an epic…

Seldean Smith

Attention Musicians: Here’s Why You Need to Subtitle Your Videos

Congratulations on recording your first music video's content and doing everything you could think of to promote it. You shared…

Seldean Smith

Thought Vending Machines Were Just for Drinks? Think Again!

If you’ve ever been to Japan, you’re probably well aware of just how massive the vending machine market is. But…

Seldean Smith

Here Are 8 Things Everyone Should Know About the Language Services Industry

Translation services are everywhere around you. The person sitting across from you might be an interpreter. With the demand for…

Seldean Smith