Foreign Laws That Could Benefit America

For many people, encounters with the foreign laws of a country are often linked to customs offices and visas. Traveling…

Bernadine Racoma

Inside the Arabic Language: Varieties Across Regions

The Arabic language is about 1,500 years old. Classical Arabic originated in the 6th century. A great language, Arabic is…

Bernadine Racoma

Easter Sunday – One of the Most Festive Christian Events

When Easter Sunday is mentioned today, most people think of egg hunts and Easter bunnies. But this is not the…

Day Translations

Top 5 Localization Companies

Who are the top 5 localization companies? This question is undeniably difficult to answer, but it’s a topic worth exploring…

Sean Patrick Hopwood

The Strictest Environmental Laws Around the World

Government inaction on environmental problems is a serious issue worldwide, but there are countries that managed to pass environmental laws…

Day Translations

Celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites

April 18 is the International Day for Monuments and Sites. Many people know the day as World Heritage Day. It's…

Bernadine Racoma

Virtual Law Firms and the Possibilities for Expansion

Technology empowers many industries and businesses, and the legal field in not immune to it, as virtual law firms today…

Day Translations

Fire Cannot Destroy the Prestige of the Notre-Dame Cathedral

On Monday evening, a huge fire broke out in one of Paris' famous landmarks, the Notre-Dame Cathedral. The cathedral is…

Bernadine Racoma

Best Immigration Policies Around the World

In simple terms, immigration is the act of permanently moving to and living in a foreign land, wherein different countries…

Day Translations

The Top 10 Industries That Need Interpreting Services

The need for interpreting services is put in focus more than ever, as globalization opens up more countries to the…

Sean Patrick Hopwood

What’s International Law and What Does an International Lawyer Do?

International law, which is also called law of nations or public international law, is a body of legal treaties, standards,…

Bernadine Racoma

Countries Lacking Proper Healthcare

This article is part of our Expanding Your Hospital Abroad Guide. If you're looking to take your medical services overseas,…

Bernadine Racoma