Things to Consider in Learning a Foreign Language

- June 3, 2013
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Learning a foreign language can be very exciting. When you do, you are able to open yourself up to a world outside of what you have always known. Studying a different language helps you to understand the culture of another country more. While you may learn about it with books that you read or films you get to see, the language of a country is the key to understanding its people. Should you travel, you can be a lot more comfortable if you know how to speak the language of the country you are visiting and find your way around much easier.

Another big advantage of learning how to speak a foreign language is the job opportunities that are highly available for people with varied language skills. Today, more and more companies deal with foreigners and are on the lookout for employees who can communicate with them. It could also be a chance for you to be sent abroad and open up more possibilities for a budding career. Being able to connect with the world around you is a rewarding experience, and studying new languages is one of the best steps you can take to start.

Set up regular hours for study each day. There is a certain time of the day when you are at your most receptive and this would probably be the best time to study your new language. It is also a good idea to do this every day rather than 2 or 3 times a week if you want to be more proficient faster. 30 minutes is good enough time to spare for studying, but if you decide on working on your language for an hour, try to take a break in between so you do not overload your brain. When working on a particular lesson, do not pressure yourself to complete it because you are running out of time. Do what you can accomplish on the time that you allot yourself and work on the rest on your next scheduled time. 

• Set a goal to keep yourself motivated. Most people who have succeeded in their life are those who have set goals for themselves targets that kept them going. When learning a language, you could do the same by giving yourself a specific time frame for a particular proficiency level. This practice can be a great motivating force that will keep you from being daunted by the task and push you to persist instead.

• Making mistakes is normal. When learning something new, making mistakes is inevitable, and this holds true with learning a different language. Do not be discouraged if you commit a few mistakes. This is all part of the learning process. The important thing is being able to somehow communicate what you are trying to get across. Should you be working with a teacher, you may request him to show you the mistakes you have made and to help you to get them right. However, it could also be disheartening to have each mistake you make corrected when you are just starting to learn. Ask that only the more serious ones be stressed upon and work on those first. Eventually, when you are much more proficient, you can get down to the smaller details.

• Keep on practicing. As in anything else we want to master, practice is essential. You must keep on practicing the things that you already know so that they become second nature to you. This will boost up your confidence as well. Repeat words that are more difficult for you until you feel that you are already able to speak them out without difficulty.

• Audio helps. Learning a new language can be so much easier if you listened to someone actually speaking the language. Here, you will be able to define nuances, pronunciations, and inflections that you may not be aware of when simply reading learning material. Avail of an audio component to help you learn the language in a more detailed way. This will also help you gain confidence about the language as you get more and more comfortable speaking it the proper way.

• If you can afford a teacher, get one. A teacher of the particular language you want to learn will have the expertise that you could use to learn a language much easier. This person can address whatever areas you find difficulty in and assist you in overcoming them. He can be someone you can converse with directly, which is an important aspect of learning a foreign language. If you are able to afford one, it would be a great help.

• Persistence is key. Some people learn a lot faster than others. And there may also be times that just when you think you are improving, you seem to be moving backwards again. When this happens, you need not be discouraged. These are just minor setbacks when learning something new, even a foreign language. One way to feel better is to look at the first few lessons you did when you started. You’d be pleasantly surprised to find out how easy those lessons are now, rather than the first time that you tried to accomplish them. Remember that persistence will always bring in rewards.

While learning foreign language can be stimulating, it can also be quite intimidating. This is because anyone would really have anxieties when it comes to speaking words that are different and strange to them. To gain confidence, you will need to invest some time, be patient and never stop practicing. Fortunately, there are so many tools out there today that can help you get the self-assurance you need when communicating in another language. There is really no need to pressure yourself when learning how to speak a foreign language. As a matter of fact, the more relaxed you are when you speak, the easier for words to flow out. The most important thing to remember is that you must want to learn. If you remain focused on that decision, you can start the process of learning the language you want and enjoying all of its benefits.