Five Benefits That Transcreation Brings to Your Business

- May 14, 2021
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When it comes to taking your business global, transcreation can be a crucial element. Transcreation or creative translation will help you expand your business beyond national boundaries. In this article, we at Day Translations have put together five benefits that transcreation can bring to your business. 

From increasing acceptance, sales, and cultural awareness to building your desired brand image, there’s a lot to love about effective transcreation

But first, let’s take a look at what transcreation actually is.


What is transcreation?

Unlike translation, where words are simply translated from one language to another, transcreation goes beyond the simple act of translating. Transcreation is the concept of translating a text from one language into another while taking into account the cultural factors that apply to the target audience. Only with the help of transcreation, can one translate a marketing message while maintaining the marketing outcome.


The benefits of transcreation for your business

Transcreation can be an essential tool for marketing your products and services internationally, and it can offer countless benefits to your business. Some of the many benefits of transcreation for your business are mentioned below.


1.      Increases acceptance

Using a marketing message that is appropriate to the target audience’s culture can increase its acceptance. With the help of transcreation, you can deliver a marketing message that your target audience can genuinely identify themselves with. By doing this, your target audience will be motivated to purchase your products.


2.      Build an accurate brand image

Marketing is all about creating a brand image. It does not matter how successfully you have created a brand image in one country; if your company aspires to be a global brand, you must use transcreation to build and maintain an accurate brand image in all countries. 

An inadequate translation of your marketing messages can destroy years of investment you have made in building your brand image. In other words, transcreation can significantly improve your global brand image and make sure it’s seen in a positive light.


3.      Increase sales

The main goal of marketing is to increase profits. The whole world would not be talking about transcreation or creative translations if it did not lead to an increase in sales. Many multinational companies, as well as online stores, can confirm that transcreation is essential in translating your corporate and marketing messages accurately. 

With the help of transcreation, you have a better chance at increasing acceptance and persuading your target audience to buy your products, thus increasing your sales and profits.


4.      Cultural Awareness

The purpose of marketing is to communicate a message. The message may have the purpose of evoking a certain emotion so that consumers are encouraged to purchase the product. 

For example, Coca-Cola’s marketing message is all about evoking the feeling of happiness. But the word happiness can have different meanings in different languages. So Coca-Cola must be aware of the cultural background of their target market before employing their marketing campaign. 

This is why, with the help of transcreation, companies can market themselves accurately regardless of the cultural backgrounds of their target audience.


5.      Cultural Sensitivity

Every cultural group has some cultural sensitivities that global brands must take into consideration. Even a well-meaning advertisement can be a reason for controversy because the image or the text contains materials that may inflame sensitivities. This may mean that the brand will be negatively perceived by the cultural group. 

Therefore, if companies wish to save themselves from this disaster, then transcreation can help them greatly. Only by hiring transcreation agencies, will you be able to translate your marketing messages without the repercussions of being culturally insensitive.



Transcreation is the process of translating a marketing message from one language to another while maintaining the marketing outcome. When going global, companies understand the language barrier, but they underestimate the cultural differences. 

Transcreation can help your company overcome both the language and cultural barriers between your final customer and your brand. Only by having a consistent marketing message in different languages, can your company truly achieve a global presence. Nowadays, most translation service providers such as ourselves offer transcreation services in order to help businesses enter new markets without worrying about language or cultural barriers.