
Geography of Spain: Important Geographical Information about Spain

From colorful villages and mountains to white sand beaches, coastlines and endless plateaus, Spain is one of the most diverse and stunning countries that enhances the natural beauty and majesty of Europe.

Spanish Highlands
Spain is a country of mountains and it ranks second in terms of its elevation, after Switzerland. The mountains which protected Spain in the past from enemy invasion, have also divide Spain into very distinct regions. The ranges include the Pyrenees, the Sierra Nevada, the Cordillera Cantibrica, the Sistema Central and the Sistema Iberico. The most prominent mountain chain is the Cordillera Central encompassing the highland plateau: the Meseta. Spain’s highest mountains are found in the north, along the French border. The Pyrenees Mountains stretch 400 kilometers along the French border and have an amazing nomber of 212 peaks above 3,000 m. The highest of the mountains is Pico de Teide in Tenerife: 3,718 metres.

Spanish Lowlands
The major Spanish lowland regions are: Catalunya, Ebro Basin, Galicia, Costal Valencia and Murcia, and the Guadalquivir Basin. These lowlands vary from fertile farmland to green rolling hills to desert plains. The major rivers are: Tajo (1007 km), the Ebro, Guandiana, Guadalquivir and many others.

Spanish Coast
Spain is surrounded by water except for its borders with France to the northeast and Portugal to the west. Costa de la Luz is the western part of Andalusia, Costa del Sol stretches to 300 km corresponding to the province of Malaga, Costa Calida is an interesting area with the mountain landscape.

These and many others are some of the most popular touristic destinations, due to the marvelous landscape. The Balearic Islands are located in the western Mediterranean and are divided into two main groups; Gimnesias (Gymnesian Islands) and Pitiusas (Pine Islands). The Canary Islands are of volcanic origin and consist of seven major islands, one minor island, and several small islets.

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