Making Cyber Security Effective with Translation and Localization

- May 30, 2022
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Although the digital age enables us to stay more connected than ever before, it also creates opportunities for cyber-attacks. With the dramatic rise of global business expansion and remote working trends over the last two years, the concern grew even greater. The importance of making cyber security effective is more critical, and so is a clear understanding of data privacy and cyber security, especially in multilingual settings.

Languages play an important role in data privacy, and in this post, we look at how localization and translation can help ward off cyber-attacks whilst also bridging language barriers.


Localization Services, Translation, and Data Privacy

Perhaps you’re wondering what the connection between language services and cyber security is. As far as data privacy is concerned, it’s important to use effective communication to convey sensitive information.

However, the IT field is renowned for its complicated jargon, and it’s often only comprehensible by IT professionals. Throw multilingualism in the mix, and the problem becomes significantly bigger.

Did you know that the majority of attacks in cyber security happen because users don’t understand what they’re engaging with? If you only understand the fundamental translations of a document but not the fine print, it’s easy to fall victim to such attacks.

Spam Stats

Statista estimates that 150 billion pieces of spam emails are sent per day. And that’s just malware, which is one of many cyber security threats hackers and cyber attackers use to cause potentially devastating system attack. But they also use phishing to gain access to sensitive customer data and information through fake websites. This is why it is crucial to have accurate translations in place from leaders in the language industry to ensure clarity for your SaaS products, websites, user interfaces, and other digital entities.


Using Localization and Translation for Making Cyber Security Effective

Here are some ways in which localization and translation from professional language service providers can help you avoid malware installations and data privacy invasions:

Localization of the User Interface

Your website’s User Interface is the main way in which users interact with your brand. Often, a user can’t understand what they see because it’s in a foreign language. And this makes it hard for them to spot cyber threats like pop-ups and spammy ads. But by translating and localizing the user interface so it caters to your customer’s language and cultural needs, you can ensure that everything on the UI is clear to the user.

Creating Multilingual Mobile Applications

Many hackers use popups and ads to attack users and to confuse their prey. Cybercriminals don’t rely on standard keys like the X button to close ads. They try and confuse visitors with where they need to click, forcing them to commit errors. However, when your app is properly translated and localized, this can be avoided altogether.


Safeguard Your Systems from Cyber Attacks with Cyber Security Localization Solutions from Expert Language Service Providers

Professionals that work within the IT industry and cyber security fields understand technical jargon. But it’s not the same across the board, especially when you’re dealing with multilingual audiences. Many cyber security centers around the world also don’t fully comprehend English. And all of this can pose threats to computer systems and data privacy.

In order for threats to business cyber security to be truly understood, IT departments should have their warnings, procedures, and guidelines translated and localized. This ensures the content is converted into a more straightforward language that’s easy to understand.

Translating and localizing tech talk into an easily comprehensible language is essential. It drastically reduces the possibility of making bad management decisions in cyber security. Ensuring that the content is clear and precise instead of presenting non-technical analogies is also critical. This is because it can help management gain a deeper appreciation of the cyber world’s many intricacies. All this whilst strengthening their internal data security again cyber security threats at the same time.

Here at Day Translations, we have subject matter experts who can work with you to accurately translate and localize your cyber security information, warnings, guidelines, and procedures. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our bespoke range of linguistic services!