Mamma Mia! It’s Mother’s Day

- May 12, 2013
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Mother’s Day is one of the most celebrated days of the year. In fact, it’s the busiest day for restaurants and the other day of the year that florists all over the world are really busy aside from Valentine’s Day. While mothers certainly deserve to be appreciated for all the love, sacrifice and care they show their family, there are many other people in our lives that have helped mother us in their own way. These are our other mothers.

What makes a mother?

Mothers are traditionally thought of as the person who provided the egg that joined with the sperm, nurtured the baby in the womb and physically gave birth to a baby. She is also the person who is tasked to raise the child.

In today’s modern context however, this definition has become much changed. Children today may be raised by moms who may not necessarily have given birth to them, just as a biological parent may not necessarily be involved in the raising of a child. A mother can be adoptive, a step parent or anyone who is unrelated to a child but has provided primary care.

Who is mom?

If we broaden our definition of mothers to include anyone who has showered us with love, attention, support, generosity and understanding, this Mother’s Day becomes a day to celebrate many people in our lives.

The other mothers

Anyone who has acted as a caregiver, defended our best interests, given us selfless love and undivided attention may also be remembered on Mother’s Day. After all, these people have mothered us in their own way.

These can be a teacher, a yaya, baby sitter or caregiver, a favorite aunt, your best friend’s mother or even a kind-hearted neighbor. In today’s world, a mom may not even necessarily be a female, such as in same sex relationships. It can be the person who stood in for your biological parents because they were unavailable to physically raise you because they were based overseas, were working or were sick and unable to care for you.

Mother, the breast-feeder

Incidentally, the word mother is from the root Latin word “mater.” It is from the etymon “ma” which means “breast” and is joined with the suffix “ter” so that the etymological meaning of the word is actually “breast-feeder.”

Mothers certainly do more than nurture us from their breast, but the term certainly captures the spirit of the generosity and loving nature of moms all over the world who hold their children close to their heart.

So for this Mother’s Day, why not think about showing appreciation not only for your biological mother, but for all those who have shown you love and understanding along the way?

Happy Mothers Day to all the selfless moms in the world, and all the people who have generously opened their hearts to love and nurture the children of the world.