Infographic – The Surge of Spanish Speakers in the US

- March 4, 2015
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The spread and importance of Spanish speakers in the US is perfectly illustrated by this infographic. Any social anthropologist worth his salt will tell you that the Hispanic culture is now one of the most influential in the United States. There are now over 54 million Spanish language speakers, which account for almost 20% of the entire US population.

The infographic was put together by compiling data from the US census, Pew Research Center – Hispanic Trends and Wikipedia. It clearly shows the steady rise and distribution of the Spanish language during the last 35 years.

The United States was once described as a “melting pot,” where all cultures are combined or “melted” together to form one common culture. This concept brought about the idea of the United States being a “salad bowl” – brimming with cultural ingredients and languages that mix with one another while preserving their own unique flavor. This infographic further reveals how the Spanish language successfully seized its way through each state.

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