Tips and Tricks for Transcreation Success

- January 17, 2022
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When it comes to tailoring your content to reach an international market, translation alone will not be enough. Language is full of nuances, idioms, and meanings that might go missing with direct translations. And this is where transcreation comes in as it’s one of the best options for customizing your message to reach multilingual audiences.


What Exactly is Transcreation?

Transcreation –also known as creative translation – is the process of adapting your brand message to suit a specific audience instead of merely translating the existing materials. It’s the combination of new content, content that has been culturally adapted, and straightforward translation. It might also include image selection, copywriting, font changes, and other tweaks that’ll appeal to your target audience.

This process should be used whenever a brand wants to adapt its materials for global audience. Although direct translations are more suitable for converting scientific and highly technical materials into another language, transcreation works for more nuanced materials. So, if you want your brand and “voice” to be clearly understood across the globe, transcreation is the right option.


Tips for Transcreation Success

The goal of transcreation is to maintain the intent, style, tone, and emotion of the original message in the target language. Here are a few tips and tricks when it comes to ensuring your transcreation project runs smoothly!


Only Perform Transcreation into Native Language

Communicating in a second language just doesn’t have the same natural flow as communicating in your native tongue. We all know this is true, regardless of how well you know that second language. Using bilingual service provider for your transcreation project won’t cut it. This is a project that should always be performed by native speakers of the language you are targeting.


Work With In-Country Service Providers

If your language service provider shares a native language with your target market, it won’t necessarily be enough if they’re based outside of the country you’re focusing on. Your language service provider must live in-country to ensure they have a deep understanding of the language, humor, trends, and timelines of events that are relevant to your audience. This way, you’ll be sure that your service provider is on top of current local culture and can best communicate in a way that’s relevant to your audience. Don’t forget about this tip when you’re creating pay stub, for example, or any other international paper or cheque.


Work With Content Experts

Content is king, and working with a language service provider that cannot adapt content will definitely result in a misfire. Transcreation experts must be experts in the information they’re localizing, and if your provider does not understand the content, the project cannot yield the desired results.

Good writing is part of a food transcreation plan. You’ve already taken the time to have professionals carefully craft your original brand message. So why wouldn’t you do the same for the target language? The best way of protecting and preserving your brand message is to work with a transcreation expert that is staffed with professionals with extensive marketing and writing expertise. Your provider must do more than just understand the message. They must be able to tailor it to best connect with local audiences through carefully crafted brand messaging.


Understand the Target Market

Aside from language, culture, and writing skills, transcreation aims to speak to the heart of your target audience. The best language services providers research and have a deep understanding of the target market. They also know the best methods of reaching them. They are also familiar with local advertising regulations and media and commercial codes. All of which can help save your brand from multicultural marketing mishaps.


Wrapping Up

Translation takes message from one language to another. But transcreation can help your brand shine on the global stage. Why? Because it modifies it to create intimate experiences and relationships with your target audiences. Get in touch with Day Translations today to learn more about our bespoke language services solutions that include translation, localization, transcreation, and glocalization, all designed to help take your brand to the next level!