Translating Marketing Campaign Materials: Making the Right Moves

- March 13, 2014
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When running a business that has an international market, the first thing that you have to consider is how you can advertise the business to potential clients. In making your business popular, you need the best marketing campaign materials. Since you are targeting clients who have different native languages, it is best to have these materials translated.

Advantages of Translating Marketing Campaign Materials

• It makes the materials more meaningful and relevant to your potential clients. They will easily understand what you advertise rather than just skip it completely. For instance, if you distribute a brochure that they don’t understand at all, they will most likely throw it away after walking a few meters.

• Clients will feel just how much you value them. If you exert an effort to translate these materials, then it is evident that you really are sincere in your desire to target various markets.

• It avoids confusion. When the details of the campaign materials are misunderstood, people will most likely blame your company. It is also a burden for your employees since they have to address all these queries brought about by the confusion.

Tips in Making Correct Translations

In order to translate brochures, pamphlets, newsletters or posters correctly, there are some things that you need to follow:

• Consider cultural differences. There are some words that are acceptable in your native language that might sound awkward or impolite when translated. Thus, a different word must be used to make the material more appealing.

• Be brief and concise. Whatever the language is, it is important to be as brief as possible. Campaign materials should be straight to the point. If you wish to provide longer details, then just post the website link or contact number for the potential clients to call.

• Be detail-oriented. Small mistakes in grammar, spelling or sentence construction might alter the people’s perception of your company. It might also be obvious that the campaign material was just literally translated without necessarily understanding the background of the target group.

• Don’t make translations on your own especially if you are not yet fluent in writing the target language. Find someone to do it for you. Translating services might be a little expensive, but it is worth it. This is true especially if you eventually rake a huge income after convincing potential clients.

• Find the most compelling words. For instance, in English, the words “Buy Now!” will cut it. However, in other languages, it won’t. You need to be more creative. There are better words that are suitable for the campaign poster.

• When marketing online, provide a separate page for each language. Prioritize the languages in which most of your target clients speak. For instance, you can have a website that comes in English, Spanish and Chinese.

• Change graphics and motif. Aside from the words, you also need to change the graphics or background photos if necessary. For instance, you may create a poster that is made up mostly of red. If you are to distribute this material in Thailand, it might have a different note especially with the “red shirt” political campaign.

There are lots of decision-making activities involved when it comes to translating marketing campaign materials. This is why you have to take the time to review your translations before publishing the final material.

    Categories: Translation