6 Travel Abroad Learning Styles: Best Way to Learn a Language

- May 5, 2017
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Do you want to travel abroad, but worried about language barriers? There are certainly a variety of learning styles. However, knowing the best way to learn a language while traveling abroad can be quite helpful. Learning a local language can be exciting.

After all, the feeling of exploring a new country and culture is something that few things in life can match.

There are a few learning styles that can alleviate these language barriers though. It can be a very practical way of learning a new language along the way. Or simply the best way to learn a language that works for you.

Let’s take a look at six of the most useful learning styles for any travel abroad adventure if you don’t speak the local language.

1. Begin with Basic Words

The truth is that you can easily communicate what you are trying to say by using a few basic words. Words such as “Hello,” “Thank you,” or “I’m sorry,” can often make communication easier. There are a few learning styles you can use to build a fast vocabulary base.

“If you’re starting from scratch, the first thing you need to do is think about which words you’ll be using most on a daily basis in whatever situations you might be in,” Nomadic Matt suggested.

Keep in mind that by learning these essential words, you can form local meanings. Especially since the most common situation will often be that they don’t speak any English. However, when you travel abroad, don’t automatically make this assumption.

These essential words will quickly become a part of your everyday vocabulary. You will be able to combine them with new words that naturally pop up every once in a while as well. This is also a good way to practice spelling and pronunciation of your new words, serving as the basis of your newly acquired language.

Related Post: How Many Languages Are There in The World?

2. Are Apps a Best Way to Learn a Language?

Most certainly. One of the best ways to travel abroad and use a language you don’t know by heart is to employ translation apps. These apps can be downloaded to your smartphone and used in everyday communication. Apps such as Google Translate are great, but don’t let the language learning stop there. Online translation tools also serve as a fantastic study aid.

Many avid globe trotters find translation apps the best way to learn a language. When you travel abroad, it can be challenging to carry a translation book that is thick and clunky. Since you will be carrying your smartphone with you, translation can be at your fingertips.

Many of these apps support computer-generated voice output as well. This makes it even easier to come to terms with your conversation partner and their unique learning styles. Don’t be afraid or shy of using translation tools when traveling abroad, and ensure you use them not only to communicate more easily, but also to pick up a word or two along the way.

3. Language Learning Styles Aren’t Always About Speech

Learning styles, especially when it comes to language, can be more about non-verbal communication than anything else. Hand gestures are far more viable than keeping your mouth shut and staring at a local who wants to help you, but doesn’t know how.

That’s why using gestures to point towards places of interest, mimic the movements of different things (like rivers or mountains), and generally using them to add to your argument is a great way to get along. While it may not be the best way to learn a language in a foreign land, sometimes it’s the best option. The locals will certainly give you points for effort.

Turn to using hand gestures whenever you feel like all other options are off the table. Or if you are simply looking for the closest place to have some food, but can’t bother with translating a specific word. Sometimes it’s easier and faster than any other form of communication, so use it to its fullest potential when you travel abroad.

Related Post: 10 Fun Facts About The Spanish Language

4. Carry a Notebook

Having a notebook handy is always a smart idea whenever you travel abroad. Filling that same notebook with useful information about the place you are traveling to. Notes like, useful phrases, new words, and even addresses is a great way to ease any communication troubles that might occur.

You can always prepare before traveling by searching for useful information online. Then filling your notebook to the brim with whatever you find interesting about your destination. This is certainly not the newest of learning styles, but certainly effective.

Asking for professional help with taking these notes, and editing them, is a great way to increase usability. Online platforms such as lord of papers are always open to writing and editing content that you might need along the way.

Another smart use for your notebook would be to use it as a visual communication tool with the locals, so they can simply point you in the right direction. This is certainly on the board for the best way to learn a language.

5. Always have a Travel Abroad Roadmap

The secret of getting by if you don’t speak a foreign language when you travel abroad is to know exactly where you are going. If you wander about without a clear destination you won’t know how to communicate what you are looking for effectively. Sometimes the best way to learn a language is to have a clear goal or path in mind.

Take some time and develop a clear roadmap of where and what you are looking for every step of your journey abroad. That way, you can always refer to your plan and figure out a simple way to convey what you are trying to accomplish.

Having a personal roadmap can also compliment other language learning styles. For example, it is a good way to pick up new words in the local language. Especially since you can use it as a reference in any form of communication you conduct along the way. Always keep it handy and always know what you want, becoming stuck in place abroad is not a good position to find yourself in.

Related Post: 7 Habits of Effective Language Learners

6. Learning Styles 101: Carry a Local Map

The best way to learn a language sometimes, is to communicate with the locals. Even without knowing their language, you can carry a local map around with you and leverage it to your advantage. There are several useful applications for carrying a local map around as well. The best one of them is to always be able to tell exactly where you are when you travel abroad.

Also, anyone who sees you with a map will try to help you out by pinpointing your present position. Another way to use a local map as one of your learning styles, would be to refer to it to get simple directions. Using the local language as best as possible.

While you should carry a map written in your own language as well, carrying a local map will prove much more useful down the line.

What is the Best Way to Learn a Language When You Travel Abroad?

Depending on your unique learning styles when you travel abroad, communicating with the locals can be the best way to learn a language. It can be as simple as walking down the street for a pack of gum and striking up a conversation.

You don’t need to know their language to communicate effectively. But you will inevitably pick up on a few things during your travel abroad. Regardless, traveling abroad to a foreign country without knowing the local language is a very exciting and interesting prospect. Everyone should try it out at least once. You can even use these six learning styles.

What do you think the best way to learn a language is?

Author Bio: Michael Harred is a blogger and writer. He is interested in blogging and social media. Also, being fond of design Michael illustrates books. To find more about Michael – check his Twitter and Facebook.