We Want to Say Thank You!

- January 5, 2013
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Domo arigatou
Haben Sie vielen Dank
Maraming salamat
Merci beaucoup
Muchas gracias
Shokran Jazeelan
Shukriyaa Bahut dhanyavaad
Spasibo balshoye
Terima kasih banyak
Thank you very much
Xie xie

These are just a few of the many ways we would like to convey our gratitude to our colleagues, friends and clients around the globe.

Another fruitful year has passed and a new one is just beginning. It is time once again to give thanks to a lot of people who enriched our lives, who brought out the best in us, gave us work and kept us on our toes with their exacting work requirements. We give thanks to people who have remained loyal to us and continue to put their trust in us.

Translation and interpretation work is very time consuming and an exacting discipline. It takes years of dedication and hard work and continuous study to attain perfection. While it may be so, for us it does not seem like work because we love and enjoy what we do.

We give thanks to faithful clients who continue to give us work for the whole year and the staff who work round the clock to provide answers to client inquiries, guide clients on our system and work flow process and generally take the best of care of all our clients. We are extra grateful to all our translators and interpreters located around the world, who are always ready to respond to clients’ requests.

We also renew our commitment to always give the best professional translation and interpretation service to all our clients big and small, to always be on top of things, updated and upgraded on industry standards and remain competitive.

Again, we thank each and everyone who has contributed to the continued success of Day Translations, Inc. We look forward to another very robust year.