What is Product Information Localization?

- January 21, 2022
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You have created a fantastic product, launched it, and your audience has tested it. The outcome is impressive; everyone likes your product. Now, you start thinking about expanding the business to other countries.

Suddenly, you realize that your preferred location for business expansion is a region with another language and culture. What can you do? Don’t give up on your business goals. Instead, hire a localization expert.

Product information localization involves modifying a product’s description and information to be understandable in a foreign location. Your product information localizer translates relevant information about your product so the new audience can understand its benefits.

Product information localization is the ultimate solution to overcoming language barriers during business expansion. We all know that marketing is about passing messages to an audience and that message can be easily lost in translation.

Without product information localization, many people in the target region won’t understand the true value of your product. Consequently, you will likely encounter expansion roadblocks such as record low sales, increased returns, and less repeat business.

Now that you know why product information localization is so important let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of it.


What types of businesses require product information localization?

Product information localization is for all types of businesses as all products need to feature particular details to guide the audience. Whether your product is digital or physical, localization will ensure that every important detail is communicated to your buyers.


The target audience

The target audience during a product information localization campaign is the people living in the new country. Defining the target audience is a task for the expert localizer. To identify the target audience, the localizer studies the product to know who would buy it and why.

The target audiences are identified based on age bracket, race, culture, and lifestyle. After identifying the target audience, the project already has a solid foundation to succeed.

The goal of localizing product information is to modify the features and details so the audience can understand and resonate with the product. Acceptance is only possible when the audience regards the product as a local product specially made for them.

Brands do this by advertising their products with content that is likely to make sense to viewers. For example, the WWF produces conservation content that’s relevant to the local audience rather than publishing overseas issues that, while important, don’t affect local residents.


How to avoid losing your original message during translation

It is possible to lose the underlying message of your product when translating its marketing information from one language to another. This is why it is best to use only expert localizers for the job.

The trick is to ensure your unique brand identity remains prominent during translation while ensuring the audience views your message positively.

After all, your brand name can have a very different meaning in another language. So, if you were to simply translate your product content, you may end up confusing your potential customers. As a result, your target audience will get the wrong idea or even be offended in certain cases.

To avoid translation errors, your team should research the new language to confirm that the words associated with your brand and product name do not have negative meanings or connotations.

Many countries have strict religious beliefs. Therefore, products that portray inappropriate messages that contradict local views will be avoided or even banned from the target country. After investing so much to expand your business, we know you wouldn’t want a ban on your product!

Therefore, localizing text, images, audio, and video content for your product must be done carefully to portray the right message to your customers.


Leveraging product information localization to improve customer support

Your new audience will naturally have questions about your product. That is a good sign because anyone interested in asking questions is a prospective customer. All you need to do is ensure they can find the required answers.

For example, localizing product information should include explaining how to pay and order, troubleshooting, frequently asked questions, and any other information that is important for the product.

A particularly important part of localization is making the terms and conditions of the product understandable. Clear communication will keep product disputes to a minimum by helping the audience understand their rights and boundaries before purchasing the product.

Clear customer support is an important factor when expanding into new territories, especially if your product is unfamiliar to your target market.


Testing and feedback

After completing the product information localization, it is time for quality control checks. If possible, you should get several volunteers from the target audience to assess the new product information and provide feedback. These volunteers will confirm if the content can convert customers to the new country.

Always keep an open mind during product information localization and make any necessary changes to get a perfect result.


Putting together a team for product information localization

For product information localization to be a success, you need a team of experts. The main talents needed for the project include localization experts, copywriters, translators, product managers, voice-over artists, product designers, and many other vendors.

You’ll also need a project manager who oversees the entire project while helping the team collaborate to meet deadlines.

Without each of these team members, localization becomes a difficult task. If you can’t find all of them yourself, it’s a good idea to contact a professional localization company.


Are you planning to launch your business in a new foreign-speaking country?

Product information localization should make the top of your to-do list for any international product launch. It is an effective tool that guarantees breakthroughs in new markets.

Day Translations offers product information localization services for your business. We consider legal requirements, cultural beliefs, and lifestyle trends that appeal to your target audience. In the end, we deliver a repackaged product that is irresistible to your new audience.

We have a team of experts who can help you break into international markets. Give us a call today. Let’s talk about your project.