What is the difference between Translation & Transcreation?

- June 30, 2021
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The globalization of the world and the rapid growth in cross-border trade has made it imperative for organizations and professionals to interact all the time. But did you know that there are approximately 6500 languages in the world? 

People across the planet speak and understand different languages, and not everyone is well versed in all the global languages out there. Therefore the conversion of information into multiple languages was deemed necessary for effective communication, sharing ideas, and to circumvent language barriers to work towards a mutual goal of global interaction. 

Translation and Transcreation both fulfil this goal, but there is a subtle difference between them. In today’s article, we will explore how transcreation and translation are different, so let’s get started.


Translation v/s Transcreation – What is the primary difference?

Humans have been translating documents since the 14th century. But the evolving needs of speakers of different languages and the need to be culturally sensitive in these communications led to creating a different version of translation termed “transcreation”. 

Translation and Transcreation are often considered interchangeable terms, and people are often confused about which one to choose when hiring someone to convert their content into a new language. To resolve this enigma, we will first explain these two terms in detail.



Translation is the more common of the two terms, and almost all of us have dealt with it at some point. It is a process through which you can convert the text of one language to another. And with the advancements in Artificial Intelligence, translation can be done by machines or the more traditional and accurate way, i.e., by humans. 

Language and communication are complex, and there are thousands of ways to describe a similar concept. Hence why translation by humans is also subjective, and every linguistic professional will create a unique translated version of the same document, and all can be 100% error-free. 

One common myth about translation is that it is performed word to word and is literal. In actuality, translation is a complex process that requires expertise to change texts into a new language accurately. This is why professional translators educated in the process offer their services to execute this task appropriately.

If you are looking for one, check out a full range of translation, transcreation, localization services and human interpreting solutions by Day Translations. 



Transcreation was a term coined in the 1960s and is a fusion of two words – translation and creation. Transcreation is a method of modifying the text from one language to another while maintaining and enhancing the concept, motive, and style of the text. 

The translation is different in a way that translators are focused on converting content while keeping the meaning of text the same and also perform specific reworking of ideas to ensure that the text makes complete sense. 

In comparison, transcreation is all about being creative in rewriting the texts to better resonate with the speaker of a different language belonging to a different culture. The creative freedom in transcreation is more prevalent than in translation. 

This is the core reason why translation is primarily used to modify official documents and informational materials like contracts, educational certificates, guides and product manuals. While transcreation is utilized more in marketing materials designed for a global and multicultural audience.


What makes Transcreation different from translation?

  • Transcreation is mainly used to covert brand content or marketing copy of companies with a big geographical footprint and an audience belonging to different cultures, languages, and socio-economic backgrounds.

    It ensures that the converted version of the text is suitable for the targeted audience and strikes the right chord that drives them to take action.
  • Translators are trained professionals with a professional degree and certified to provide translation services. On the other hand, transcreation services are offered mainly by multilingual copy or content writers that are good with words and creativity.

    They also need to have a better understanding of methods that enhance the impact of the text on a different audience.
  • Transcreation services are a little more costly than translation, and there are more factors involved that increase the efforts required to complete the job. Transcreation providers must research the target market, brand images, content, and more to get the job done the right way.

    The work is started by a creative brief to gauge the clients’ requirements, the target market, etc. While translators provide services at fixed rates and need the source texts to deliver a translated version of the document.


Wrapping Up:

Translation and transcreation might be related, but there are significant differences between them unknown to people outside the linguistic world. In this article, we have mentioned them concisely and simplistically to help you make a better-informed decision to get the desired outcome with the texts without overpaying and disappointments. 

In a nutshell, though, if you need a converted version without considering the readers’ needs, opt for translation. But if you want something creative and moulded to a target audience, transcreation is the way to go!