What the “Internet of Things” Means for Translation Agencies

- October 24, 2022
      2031   0

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “Internet of Things”? Some people may have hearts about it, and some individuals don’t.

If you’re like most people, your first thought is probably something like “a bunch of connected devices” or “the future.” But there’s a lot more to it than that. The Internet of Things is poised to change how people do business and work in ways never imagined possible.

Translation agencies are no exception to this trend. They’re at the forefront: as companies look to make their businesses more efficient, more flexible, and more responsive to their customer’s needs, translation agencies will be there with them every step of the way.

What Is The “Internet of Things”?

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the connection of physical objects via the Internet. This allows these objects to be controlled and monitored remotely.

If this sounds too complicated for you, just like rocket science, check out how it can be applied in our daily lives:

  • Pretty soon, every device connected to the Internet will have its own IP address and be able to communicate with other devices on the network. This could mean that your refrigerator will be able to send messages about how much food there is left for dinner tonight or whether you need to pick up some milk on your way home from work.
  • Your alarm clock will know when it’s time to get up because it will get signals from Facebook with updates about how late you stayed up at night watching videos of cats doing silly dances or any other funny content that people share on social media these days.

The IoT is expected to significantly impact businesses, governments, the healthcare industry, and consumers in the coming years. Thanks to its rapid growth, it has become a hot topic among business leaders and entrepreneurs. The promise of connecting devices through the cloud has led many companies to invest in IoT technologies.

History & Advancements of IoT

The term “Internet of Things” was first used by Kevin Ashton at Procter & Gamble in 1999 when he developed the Auto-ID Center at MIT to create radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. In 2001, he coined the term “Internet of things” while presenting his work at the TED conference.

In recent times, there has been a surge in interest from both industry players and consumers regarding IoT technologies. According to Gartner Research firm, there will be more than 26 billion connected devices by 2020 — driving $6 trillion in value for businesses by 2025 — which indicates how influential this technology can be for companies looking forward to growth and expansion.

How Does the Internet of Things Affect Translation Agencies?

This technology has already disrupted many industries, including automotive, healthcare, and home appliances. For example, in healthcare, sensors can transmit human health data to the system, and various FHIR-based solutions can store this information so that it is always available. 

However, it’s also impacting the translation industry, which is no surprise given that translation agencies are heavily dependent on technology to carry out their work. That’s why so many firms keep an eye on IoT developments: it promises to help speed up and make workflows more efficient by connecting devices together and allowing them to communicate automatically. Platforms like aws iot solution play a pivotal role in ensuring seamless integration and communication among these devices.

This means that translation agencies are being given more information than ever before about their client’s products or services so they can provide better translations accordingly. For example, if you’re translating a mobile app into Spanish for an American company, you may want to make sure the app uses idiomatic terms that Spanish speakers would use instead of literal translations. IoT technology can prove to be a great assistant in this endeavor.

The IoT can have a significant impact on translation agencies in several ways:

Customer Focus

It will enable translation agencies to receive real-time client feedback and provide client-specific content. This will help translators improve their work quality and make them more efficient.

New Revenue Streams

One of the most important ways IoT will affect translation agencies is by opening new revenue streams. The rise in connected devices means more opportunities for translation agencies to find new clients. For example, if you work with global customers, you could use these technologies to translate emails from foreign clients into their native language when they contact you directly through email or messaging apps like WhatsApp or WeChat instead of having them send documents over email or other channels that don’t provide immediate access in real-time.

Enhanced Conversations

The same goes for things like chatbots, which allow users to interact with a machine via text-based conversation as if it were another human being—including asking questions about your services and getting answers from these artificially intelligent machines! All this adds up to better customer service because there will always be someone available 24/7 without having employees working around-the-clock shifts so that they can answer calls during non-business hours (and end up paying extra wages).

Speech Recognition and Machine Learning Algorithms

Translation agencies can use IoT technology like speech recognition software (software that users can talk with) that automatically converts text into another language when they speak into a computer microphone or mobile device. This method doesn’t require any additional human effort beyond giving the command “translate this.”.

Translation agencies could also use machine learning algorithms on their computers, so they don’t have to hire more workers if they suddenly get more business than usual during certain times of year—meaning you won’t need people working round-the-clock shifts just because there is suddenly more work than usual coming through your door.

Also, thanks to the IoT, you can implement instant translation technologies. For example, the user’s device can transmit his or her geo-positioning data. So, for example, your German-speaking client arrives in Hungary on a business trip. This person does not need to waste time manually translating the phrases they need from Hungarian apps such as cab services, hot lunch delivery, or a hotel reservation app. Furthermore, voice queries can also be translated into Hungarian within a second. This will be done automatically.

Easier Ways to Meet Deadlines

A modern user is a person who demands velocity. We are already aware that if your webpage takes a long time to load, the customer will not bide his/her time and will rush to a competitor’s site. For translation agencies, this is equally a matter of course. Time is money and keeping on top of deadlines is essential to staying competitive. IoT can help satisfy the need for fast services by performing automatic translation or 24/7 customer support thanks to machine learning solutions, which are based on activation functions that decide which neural networks should be activated for the ML model to operate properly.

Translation agencies will be able to create customized solutions for their clients by collecting data about their preferences, needs, and requirements through sensors in their products or services. This will help them reduce costs by reducing unnecessary usage of resources such as human labor or machinery.

Companies use IoT to improve their customer service. With the help of IoT technology, these companies can track their customers’ movements and understand their real-time interactions with their products or services. This gives them valuable insights into whether or not they are meeting customers’ needs and expectations, which helps them better serve their clients over time.

Better Data Collection and Storage

In addition to improving customer service, companies can also use sensor data collected through IoT systems to identify potential problems with their products or services before they occur. This saves time and money and reduces risks for businesses by helping them identify issues before they become major problems that could harm sales or result in expensive recalls or lawsuits.

How Is the Internet of Things Changing Our World?

The Internet of Things is changing how people live, work, and interact. From connected homes to self-driving cars, everything is becoming connected.

Note: You can learn more about IoT by checking out ProjectPro Data Science Projects.

Here are some of the ways the Internet of Things is changing the world:

Smart Homes

Your home is becoming more innovative by connecting devices such as thermostats, lights, and appliances to your Wi-Fi network. This allows you to control them remotely and make your home more energy efficient.


Fitness trackers like FitBit and other smartwatches help you keep track of your activity throughout the day. You can also use them to track sleep patterns or calories burned during workouts; Wearable app development is constantly evolving.

Smart Cities

Cities are starting to implement smart city technology to make transportation safer through traffic monitoring and managing public spaces like parks and sidewalks with Wi-Fi access points for pedestrians.

Medical Technologies

With so many people using their smartphones for medical information, it is only natural for them to start using them for other medical needs. This means that many apps allow you to track your health data through your phone or tablet without having to go through a doctor’s office visit each time something happens to your health.

Connected Cars

These vehicles are becoming more intelligent with collision avoidance systems and self-parking features. Automotive manufacturers are also working on autonomous driving technology and car-sharing programs that require no human driver behind the wheel at all times.


The classroom of tomorrow will be as much about what you know as who you know. The IoT makes it possible for students to collaborate on projects with people from around the world and get feedback from experts in their field.


Final Thoughts

The IoT is a big deal and will only become more critical in the future. IoT technology isn’t quite ready yet for mass adoption—it’s still in its infancy and will take some time before it becomes fully realized. It’s not a new concept, though. The idea of connecting devices to the Internet and each other has been around for some time. But it is only recently that the technology has become powerful enough to make IoT a reality.

Many businesses are already using various forms of IoT, but there are still many challenges that need to be overcome before it can come into its own as an industry standard.

For translation agencies, you need to start thinking about how you can leverage the IoT to improve your business. The most helpful way to do this is by keeping an eye on trends like machine learning and artificial intelligence, which are changing the way we think about technology.

Author bio:

Dmytro Sokhach is an entrepreneur and a 6-Figure Flipper Club member. Founded Admix Global (web agency) that builds websites, makes them profitable and sells them as a business.