Why Day Translations is a Great Place to Work

- July 22, 2021
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Some organizations offer their employees and contractors benefits like free meals and gym memberships, and it’s common to consider the perks and benefits that make a workplace more fun and flexible when we think about great places to work. But talk to employees and contractors from Day Translations, and you’ll find that pay, benefits, and perks are just the tip of the iceberg!

It is said that the foundation of a great workplace lies in a culture of trust and engagement that unites management with the workforce, and at Day Translations, that is precisely the kind of glue that holds everything together. Led by CEO Sean Patrick Hopwood, Day Translations and Day Interpreting has been operating as a truly remote organization for the past 14 years. It strives to treat its people not as mere employees that can be satisfied with the right pay but as colleagues that are invested in the company.

Building and maintaining a great company culture requires the input of committed leaders that devote their time and attention to a never-ending effort. It also requires maintaining communication that isn’t only frequent but also authentic.

Studies indicate that companies with an engaged workforce perform better. A business’s success has a lot to do with quality team players and a strong culture that gives it a strategic advantage.


What Makes Day Translation a Great Place to Work?

At Day Translations, we model the way for our clients, helping them voice brands and ideas worth celebrating. Here’s a peek into our seven principles of making a workplace great!


A Culture of Care

In Glassdoor reviews, most employees and freelancers give Day Translations 4 or 5-star ratings with the word “caring” regularly popping up in reviews. And it really speaks volumes. Employees that feel like they’re part of a caring culture are much more likely to care for each other and their clients, which in turn helps ensure that the organization’s shared vision is realized.


Strong Leadership

Strong leadership is only effective when it’s visible, which is why Day Translations focused on ensuring that its leadership teams take a uniform stance that’s clearly communicated and accessible to all employees. The leaders at Day Translations act as compasses and position their teams for what’s ahead.


Remote Work Shifts

Flexibility always features on lists of elements that make great workplaces, which is why it’s a core value for us. Since Day Translations is a truly remote organization,  we can work out with our employees about their schedules, and agreeing upon the best shift that suits their lifestyle best.


We Encourage and Intrapreneurial Mindset

Day Translation employees have the freedom to chart their own course within the organization. There are plenty of opportunities for them to rise through the ranks or migrate their careers into areas that spark their interest. They’re encouraged to speak up when they have new ideas that can breed innovation within the company.


We Stand for Something Bigger

At Day Translations, we believe that we can be the change we wish to see in the world. We try to always go beyond profits to create a shared experience that our employees and clients are proud to champion.

The “more” we refer to shows up in our company mission, vision, and values. It’s about the unified culture within our organization that acts as a guide and adds value to the employee experience while opening new doors of opportunities for the business.

Day Translations is a great place to work and offers abundant opportunities for professional and personal growth. If you’re ready to join a high-energy workforce, check out our careers page!